07 March 2011

college, man.

This is the growing mountain of books on my desk. I guess this is what being a junior is: my homework load is unusually light, but for the first time, I have to write three full-sized research papers in a semester. Thankfully, they all concern topics about which I am passionate.

06 March 2011

ham & yam.

Yes, I made this meal all by myself.

05 March 2011

we get buck errday, but especially today!

Today is Prohaska's twentieth so we ventured out to Mass St for a night on the town. 5 March is the best day to get buck in here!

04 March 2011

UNcomfortably numb.

I love rainy days & chose to take advantage of this one. South Park was beautiful covered in raindrops, but the walk was windy & chilly. I have to point out that Pink Floyd was totally wrong about being comfortably numb.

03 March 2011


The weirdest thing happened tonight.
I was walking down Mass St & this pretty guitar player caught my eye. I thought I'd snap a few shots; at least they'd be better than the ones from the jiu-jitsu class which I had just watched. So I asked her if I could take a picture & she obliged.
Then, after introducing herself as Emma, she explained that she had just obtained a modeling job & was looking for a photographer. It was too weird of a coincidence to pass up, she said, & I agree. All week, I've been brainstorming ways to smoothly break into the photography business. Why not help each other out?

02 March 2011

roy g biv.

As you can see from Lana's goosebumps, it's not quite spring yet, but it's getting there! Spring always makes me think in technicolor. Can you taste the rainbow?

01 March 2011

bailey hall redux.

After her Spanish midterm, Laura wanted to blow off steam, & let's be honest, I'm in the mood for an adventure every day. So here we are at the top of Bailey Hall (she was a Bailey virgin), relaxing & enjoying the first evening of March.