07 April 2011

terrorist yasi.

I guess she doesn't like hugs.

06 April 2011

not a soul.

Dark, deserted hallway in Marvin Hall. My first adventure into the art design building.

05 April 2011


I love graffiti. It's all so unique and truthful. I don't see it as vandalism but rather spontaneous art that is free & convenient for us to see. I wonder what the artist of this piece had on his mind when he created it. To me, it seems optimistic. Even though I continuously hear that the job market is brutal, I really don't have any fears about everything panning out next year after I graduate. I'm just on the ride & excited to see where it takes me.

04 April 2011


After the thunderstorm last night, I woke up to this neat looking sunrise, topped by a dramatic dark cloud.

03 April 2011

xtan (aka ashton).

I decided to be nice & not post the picture of Ashton which depicts her as an angry bee. I like this photo because although you see part of the face, it could still be anybody. You don't see her mouth or eyes, so you don't even know if she's happy, angry or sad.

02 April 2011

local talent.

I love happening upon these impromptu corner concerts downtown. Lawrence has a lot of talent to offer. I actually pulled out the old Nikon on this outing & was surprised by what it could do. That warm sunlight on their heads & shoulders is real. The weather was intoxicating this afternoon.

01 April 2011

spring & swing.

Lawrence locals Shawna & Aaron enjoy a gorgeous spring day on the swing set at South Park. When spring comes around each year, even college students seem to appreciate childlike endeavors like playing at parks.